As I Walk Away 

Every time I thought I got over you
I find out how wrong I was.
Every time I saw you
my feelings reemerged
Though I believed them to be dead.

My thoughts rushed back to the past,
To a happy time that’s not here anymore
Killed by our words and buried by our tears.

Back to a fantasy place,
Now destroyed by misunderstandings.
A place where we used to hide,
Just for you and me.
Our hands holding each other
The whole world at our finger’s tip
‘Cuz we were each other’s universe.

And now it’s all gone.
As i walk away, instead of the usual “I love you”,
-As I step over them,walking slowly,
I hear the sound of hushing dead leaves.

Slowly.I’m not afraid anymore,no need to run.
I’ve taken out your memories from my heart.
Damn, It wasn’t easy.
The sound of 1000 broken mirrors almost tore apart my soul.

If I make it, when I’ll make it,
Maybe I’ll be alone..
But the sweetness of having made it
It’s better than being spoiled by the taste of salty water.
No matter how much it hurts.

With every new breath
I feel life coming back in me,
A new life waiting to be reached
Not suffocated by your power over me
A new kind of happiness I’m about to achieve
As I slowly walk away from you.